Phoenix Backyard Studios
Manufacturing • Parts • Service • Portable Rentals

The Phoenix STUDIO™
Imagine more space.
The Phoenix Studio™ could be a perfect solution. If you're looking for a hobby room, a home office or a quiet classroom, consider the climate-controlled Phoenix Studio™.
Assembled on-site in just a few hours, you'll have the room you need, ready for use.


The Phoenix Studio™ is more than a shed. It's insulated, climate controlled, equipped with power, and can be easily adapted to your personality. It's well equipped for a home office or classroom setting. Need a quiet retreat? The Phoenix Studio™ might be your solution.
Available in different sizes, the Phoenix Studio™ can be installed on any flat, level surface in a matter of hours by two or three individuals. It's a plug-and-play design that can be powered with an extension cord, based on your needs and requirements.
The Phoenix Studio™. The right product at the right time.
800 Series
1000 Series